Pirmasens gGmbH

1981 Founded
300+ Eργαζόμενοι
3.000.000 EURO Κέρδος
25.000 - 45.000 EURO Avg. Salary

Σχετικά με την Εταιρεία

The first hospital in Pirmasens was built in the middle of the 18th century as a military hospital, around the time when the garrison town of Pirmasens was granted city rights thanks to Landgrave Ludwig IX (1763). The civilian population could also go to the hospital for treatment. After the death of Ludwig IX in 1790, the hospital was closed and converted into a residential building, which burned down to the ground in 1850.

During the revolutionary period and for many years afterward, Pirmasens was initially left without a hospital. In 1847, a small hospital of its own was finally built and steadily expanded over the next few years, but by the end it had only 26 beds.

After the population of Pirmasens had risen to 21,000 in 1890 due to the rapid development of the shoe industry, a new, much larger hospital was built on Lemberger Strasse – a stone’s throw from the current building – which was moved into in 1894 and expanded in 1914 and 1960 and survived the two world wars almost unscathed. Since 1991, the building has served as a nursing home for the elderly and care home under the auspices of Caritas.

The foundation stone for today’s Pirmasens Municipal Hospital was laid in October 1981 after lengthy planning and consultations; however, the decision to build a new hospital was made at the end of the 1960s, when it became clear that a further extension of the old hospital would only lead to an unsatisfactory solution. When it opened on January 16, 1988, the newly constructed building presented itself as a modern hospital providing high-quality standard care. To date, the Pirmasens Municipal Hospital has developed into an important diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing service center in the southwest Palatinate – not least thanks to additional expansion measures.

Pledges & Certifications


Veteran Hiring Commitment

Committed to helping America’s military veterans find work.


Social Responsibility Pledge

Formal programs or foundation to give back to communities.


Diversity Commitment

Has programs that support a diverse and inclusive workforce.


Pledge to Thrive

Taking steps to prioritize employee well-being.